The theoretical and practical aspects of manipulating mathematical expressions on computers are usually referred to as computer algebra or symbolic computation. In this field, calculations are designed to yield exact and complete results, by opposition to numerical analysis which is meant to handle approximate values, potentially producing incomplete results. Exactness and completeness have some significant computational overhead. Computer algebra software is highly demanding in CPU time and memory.
Postdoctoral fellow: Dr. Konstantin Popov, Physics, University of Ottawa
Lead faculty member: Dr. Lora Ramunno, Physics, University of Ottawa
Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) microscopy is a very promising method of directly imaging biological processes occurring in living cells. It is unique because the imaging does not harm the cell, is molecule specific, and does not require the introduction of additional chemicals that may alter the biology. For example, CARS would allow us to visualize how viruses invade a cell membrane, which is still a mystery.