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Price of anarchy

Project Leader(s): 

Dr. George Karakostas , (McMaster University)

Project team: 
Dr. Adrian Vetta (McGill University)
Dr. James A. Dimarogonas (MITRE Corporation)
Dr. F. Bruce Shepherd (Bell Laboratories)
Dr. Gordon Wilfong (Bell Laboratories)
Dr. Uyen Trang Nguyen (York University)
Non-academic participants: 
Funding period: 
October 1, 2021 - March 31, 2021

Game Theory studies the phenomena occurring when independent, autonomous entities, called agents or users, act selfishly; game theoretic techniques are now being used to model and analyze networks. This project aims to develop a more realistic modelling of communication and data networks of selfish users using game-theoretic models, study the effects that selfish behaviour has on the overall network performance, and the designs of networks which prevent the rapid degradation of the performance due to such behaviour.